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//! Triggers for gesture recognition
//! pub(crate): These triggers can also perform computations to see if events
//! match them

use crate::input_producer::event::{HoldGesture, PinchGesture, SwipeGesture};
use crate::common::{Direction, PinchDirection, RotateDirection, AnyDirection};

const VSLOPE: f64 = 1.0;
const HSLOPE: f64 = 1.0 / VSLOPE;

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Trigger {
/// Shear is when you move different fingers in different directions.
/// Usually done by resting your digits and moving your thumb. The direction
/// is the direction of the thumb, and the distance is relative movement. Be
/// careful as vertical shearing can be mistaken by the engine as a pinch
/// Rotate is when you rotate your fingers during a pinch. This heavily
/// conflicts with shears as far as recognition goes
/// Sent only when hold ended
// TODO: hold in progress. Need to track my own time, bleh

/// Common struct for triggers in a certain direction over a certain distance:
/// swipes and shears.
/// Wow, why rust still has the same record problems that haskell does? Why
/// can't I just have my anonymous structs
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct CardinalTrigger {
pub fingers: i32,
pub direction: Direction,
pub distance: f64,
pub repeated: bool,

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct PinchTrigger {
pub fingers: i32,
pub direction: PinchDirection,
pub scale: f64,
pub repeated: bool,

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct RotateTrigger {
pub fingers: i32,
pub direction: RotateDirection,
/// Measured in something like degrees, although on my touchpad 90 units
/// don't match a real 90 degree rotation, but it's pretty close
pub distance: f64,
pub repeated: bool,

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct HoldTrigger {
pub fingers: i32,
pub time: u32,

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub(crate) struct Origin {
pub x: f64,
pub y: f64,
pub scale: f64,
pub rotation: f64,

/* Impls for matchins */

impl Direction {
fn matches(&self, dx: f64, dy: f64) -> bool {
// from running libinput: up is negative, left is positive
match self {
Direction::Up => dy <= VSLOPE * dx && dy <= -VSLOPE * dx,
Direction::Down => dy >= VSLOPE * dx && dy >= -VSLOPE * dx,
Direction::Right => dx >= HSLOPE * dy && dx >= -HSLOPE * dy,
Direction::Left => dx <= HSLOPE * dy && dx <= -HSLOPE * dy,

impl RotateDirection {
fn matches(&self, sign: f64) -> bool {
match self {
RotateDirection::Anticlockwise => sign < 0.0,
RotateDirection::Clockwise => sign > 0.0,

impl CardinalTrigger {
pub(crate) fn matches_swipe(&self, gest: &SwipeGesture, o: Origin) -> bool {
self.fingers == gest.fingers
&& self.direction.matches(gest.dx - o.x, gest.dy - o.y)
&& ((gest.dx - o.x).abs() >= self.distance
|| (gest.dy - o.y).abs() >= self.distance)
// TODO: deduplicate. Same implementation, different types with same shape
pub(crate) fn matches_shear(&self, gest: &PinchGesture, o: Origin) -> bool {
self.fingers == gest.fingers
&& self.direction.matches(gest.dx - o.x, gest.dy - o.y)
&& ((gest.dx - o.x).abs() >= self.distance
|| (gest.dy - o.y).abs() >= self.distance)

impl PinchTrigger {
pub(crate) fn matches(&self, gest: &PinchGesture, origin: f64) -> bool {
// This is useful when debugging how I broke pinches again, but is too
// verbose even for trace
"consider {:?}, {:.3} < {:.3} < {:.3}",
origin / self.scale,
origin * self.scale
self.fingers == gest.fingers
&& match self.direction {
PinchDirection::In => origin * self.scale <= gest.scale,
PinchDirection::Out => origin / self.scale >= gest.scale,

impl RotateTrigger {
pub(crate) fn matches(&self, gest: &PinchGesture, origin: f64) -> bool {
let angle = gest.angle - origin;
self.fingers == gest.fingers
&& self.direction.matches(angle.signum())
&& angle.abs() >= self.distance

impl HoldTrigger {
pub(crate) fn matches(&self, gest: &HoldGesture, ctime: u32) -> bool {
self.fingers == gest.fingers && ctime.saturating_sub(gest.begin_time) >= self.time

/* Impl for generalized field access */

impl Trigger {
pub(crate) fn repeated(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Trigger::Swipe(s) => s.repeated,
Trigger::Pinch(p) => p.repeated,
Trigger::Shear(s) => s.repeated,
Trigger::Rotate(r) => r.repeated,
// you can't repeat holds, but repeated are simpler to handle
Trigger::Hold(_) => true,

pub(crate) fn direction(&self) -> Option<AnyDirection> {
match self {
Trigger::Swipe(s) => Some(AnyDirection::Cardinal(s.direction)),
Trigger::Pinch(p) => Some(AnyDirection::Pinch(p.direction)),
Trigger::Shear(s) => Some(AnyDirection::Cardinal(s.direction)),
Trigger::Rotate(r) => Some(AnyDirection::Rotate(r.direction)),
Trigger::Hold(_) => None,