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morj / wzmach
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// Distance to move your fingers to trigger a /swipe/ gesture. Acceleration applies
swipe_distance: 100,

// Distance to move your fingers to trigger a /shear/ gesture. Acceleration applies
shear_distance: 100,

// Sort-of-distance to move your fingers to trigger a /pinch/ gesture. This
// is calculated as zoom multiplier as if you were zooming a picture with
// your pinch
pinch_distance: 1.4,

// Triggers that execute in any window in any display environment
global_triggers: [

// Open a new tab in most apps
trigger: Swipe (
fingers: 3,
direction: Up,
repeated: false,
action: UinputAction (
modifiers: ["RightControl"],
sequence: ["T"],

// Close a tab in most apps
trigger: Swipe (
fingers: 3,
direction: Down,
repeated: false,
action: UinputAction (
modifiers: ["RightControl"],
sequence: ["W"],

// Move to the right tab in most apps (natural scroll direction)
trigger: Swipe (
fingers: 3,
direction: Left,
repeated: false,
action: UinputAction (
modifiers: ["RightControl"],
sequence: ["PageDown"],

// Move to the left tab in most apps (natural scroll direction)
trigger: Swipe (
fingers: 3,
direction: Right,
repeated: false,
action: UinputAction (
modifiers: ["RightControl"],
sequence: ["PageUp"],

// Triggers that execute in any window in an X11 session
// Those actions mimic the default four-finger gestures in KWin on wayland
x11_triggers: [

// Open/close the overview effect
trigger: Swipe (
fingers: 4,
direction: Up,
repeated: false,
action: UinputAction (
modifiers: ["LeftMeta"],
sequence: ["W"],

// Move one desktop to the right (natural scroll)
trigger: Swipe (
fingers: 4,
direction: Left,
repeated: false,
action: UinputAction (
modifiers: ["LeftMeta"],
sequence: ["Right"],

// Move one desktop to the left (natural scroll)
trigger: Swipe (
fingers: 4,
direction: Right,
repeated: false,
action: UinputAction (
modifiers: ["LeftMeta"],
sequence: ["Left"],

// Triggers that execute in any window in a wayland session
wayland_triggers: [],