use std::alloc::Allocator;
enum List<T, A: Allocator> {
Cons(T, Box<List<T, A>, A>),
-- Written in a real programming /language/
reverse a = reverseOnto [] a where
reverseOnto rs [] = rs
reverseOnto rs (x:xs) = reverseOnto (x:rs) xs
fn reverse<T, A: Allocator + Copy>(mut list: List<T, A>, alloc: A) -> List<T, A> {
let mut r = List::Nil;
loop {
match list {
List::Nil => break r,
List::Cons(x, xs) => {
r = List::Cons(x, Box::new_in(r, alloc));
list = *xs;
impl<T, A: Allocator> List<T, A> {
fn point_in(x: T, alloc: A) -> Self {
List::Cons(x, List::nil_in(alloc))
fn nil_in(alloc: A) -> Box<Self, A> {
Box::new_in(List::Nil, alloc)
impl<T, A: Allocator + Copy> List<T, A> {
fn snoc(self, x: T, alloc: A) -> Self {
match self {
List::Nil => List::Cons(x, Self::nil_in(alloc)),
List::Cons(head, tail) => List::Cons(
Box::new_in(tail.snoc(x, alloc), alloc),
impl<T: Clone, A: Allocator + Copy> List<T, A> {
fn copy_from_slice(xs: &[T], a: A) -> Self {
let mut r = List::Nil;
for x in xs.iter().rev() {
let tail = Box::new_in(r, a);
r = List::Cons(x.clone(), tail);
// Have to implement all this shit by hand because of rust's broken bounds
impl<T: std::fmt::Debug, A: Allocator> std::fmt::Debug for List<T, A> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
List::Nil => write!(f, "Nil"),
List::Cons(x, xs) => write!(f, "Cons({:?}, {:?})", x, *xs),
impl<T: PartialEq, A: Allocator> PartialEq for List<T, A> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(List::Nil, List::Nil) => true,
(List::Cons(a, s1), List::Cons(b, o1)) if a == b => *s1 == *o1,
_ => false,
impl<T: Eq, A: Allocator> Eq for List<T, A> {}
// Shit implementation end
mod test {
use super::*;
fn construct_list() {
let xs = super::List::copy_from_slice(&[1, 2, 3], std::alloc::Global);
let ideal = List::Cons(
assert_eq!(xs, ideal);
fn snoc() {
let a = std::alloc::Global;
let x = List::copy_from_slice(&[1, 2, 3], a);
let y = List::point_in(1, a).snoc(2, a).snoc(3, a);
assert_eq!(x, y);
fn reverses() {
let a = std::alloc::Global;
List::copy_from_slice(&[1, 2, 3], a),
reverse(List::copy_from_slice(&[3, 2, 1], a), a)
fn reverses_in() {
let a = crate::Arena::new(1024);
fn inner(list: List<i64, &crate::Arena>, a: &crate::Arena) {
let lhs = List::copy_from_slice(&[1, 2, 3], a);
let rhs = reverse(list, a);
assert_eq!(lhs, rhs);
inner(List::copy_from_slice(&[3, 2, 1], &a), &a);