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-- | Wraps inner 'GitImpl' and caches read operations. Cache is invalidated
-- when repo is pushed to. Cache is also evicted every two hours for each repo
module Git.Cached
( make
) where

import ClassyPrelude

import qualified Git.Class as Git
import qualified Log

import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, killThread, threadDelay)
import Git.Class (GitImpl (GitImpl))
import System.OsPath (OsPath)

data RepoCache = RepoCache
{ branches :: !(Maybe [Text])
, objects :: !(Maybe (HashMap OsPath Git.GitObject))
, lastCommits :: !(Maybe [Git.HistoryItem])
, evicter :: !(MVar ThreadId)

type GlobalCache = HashMap OsPath (MVar RepoCache)

:: Int
-- ^ Delay in seconds until cache is cleared for repo
-> GitImpl
-> IO GitImpl
make clearDelay inner = do
cacheVar <- newMVar (mempty :: GlobalCache)
let clearCache repoPath = do
mbRepoCache <-
modifyMVar cacheVar $
pure . \cache -> case lookup repoPath cache of
Nothing -> (cache, Nothing)
Just var -> do
(updateMap (const Nothing) repoPath cache, Just var)
case mbRepoCache of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just repoCacheVar -> do
RepoCache{evicter} <- readMVar repoCacheVar
tid <- tryTakeMVar evicter
mapM_ killThread tid

let getRepoCacheVar repoPath =
readMVar cacheVar <&> lookup repoPath >>= \case
Just var -> pure var
Nothing -> modifyMVar cacheVar $ \cache -> do
case lookup repoPath cache of
-- by the time we obtain the lock, other thread might
-- have created it too
Just var -> pure (cache, var)
-- create if doesn't exist
Nothing -> do
Log.trace $ "Git.Cached: cache miss for " <> tshow repoPath
-- Invariant: no other piece of code writes to this mvar
evicterVar <- newEmptyMVar
var <- newMVar $ RepoCache Nothing Nothing Nothing evicterVar
let cache' = insertMap repoPath var cache
-- clean repo cache every two hours
evicterTid <- forkIO $ do
threadDelay $ clearDelay * 1_000_000
Log.trace $ "Git.Cached: time eviction for " <> tshow repoPath
-- to prevent this thread killing itself, remove its threadId
-- (it will die soon anyway)
_ <- tryTakeMVar evicterVar
clearCache repoPath
putMVar evicterVar evicterTid
pure (cache', var)

let checksCache
:: (RepoCache -> Maybe a)
-> (a -> RepoCache -> RepoCache)
-> (OsPath -> IO a)
-> OsPath
-> IO a
checksCache field setter fallback repoPath = do
repoCacheVar <- getRepoCacheVar repoPath
readMVar repoCacheVar <&> field >>= \case
Just val -> pure val
Nothing -> modifyMVar repoCacheVar $ \repoCache ->
case field repoCache of
-- in case it appeared while obtaining the lock
Just val -> pure (repoCache, val)
Nothing -> do
val <- fallback repoPath
let repoCache' = setter val repoCache
pure (repoCache', val)
let checksCache2
:: Hashable a
=> (RepoCache -> Maybe (HashMap a b))
-> (HashMap a b -> RepoCache -> RepoCache)
-> (OsPath -> a -> IO b)
-> OsPath
-> a
-> IO b
checksCache2 field setter fallback repoPath arg = do
repoCacheVar <- getRepoCacheVar repoPath
-- unhappy path
let inserts = modifyMVar repoCacheVar $ \repoCache ->
case field repoCache of
Just hashmap -> case lookup arg hashmap of
Just val -> pure (repoCache, val)
Nothing -> do
val <- fallback repoPath arg
let hashmap' = insertMap arg val hashmap
let repoCache' = setter hashmap' repoCache
pure (repoCache', val)
Nothing -> do
val <- fallback repoPath arg
let hashmap = singletonMap arg val
let repoCache' = setter hashmap repoCache
pure (repoCache', val)
-- try reading without locking, go to unhappy path if not found
readMVar repoCacheVar <&> field >>= \case
Just hashmap -> case lookup arg hashmap of
Just val -> pure val -- happy path
Nothing -> inserts
Nothing -> inserts

{ Git.createRepo = Git.createRepo inner
, Git.renameRepo = Git.renameRepo inner
, Git.getBranches =
checksCache branches (\x c -> c{branches = Just x}) (Git.getBranches inner)
, Git.getObject =
checksCache2 objects (\x c -> c{objects = Just x}) (Git.getObject inner)
, Git.getLastCommits =
(\x c -> c{lastCommits = Just x})
(Git.getLastCommits inner)
, Git.advertiseRefsUpload = Git.advertiseRefsUpload inner
, Git.advertiseRefsReceive = Git.advertiseRefsReceive inner
, Git.uploadPack = Git.uploadPack inner
, Git.receivePack = \repoPath arg -> do
Log.trace $ "Git.Cached: write eviction for " <> tshow repoPath
liftIO $ clearCache repoPath
Git.receivePack inner repoPath arg