{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
module Main where
import qualified Avahi
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Ron as Ron
import qualified Text.URI as Uri
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Client
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified Portal
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, fromStrict)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Text.URI (URI (..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.Wai (Application)
import Portal (makePortal)
import Static (serveStatic)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
data Service = Service
{ port :: !Int
, title :: !(Maybe Text)
, description :: !(Maybe Text)
, icon :: !(Maybe Text)
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
via Ron.RonWith
'[ Ron.EncodeWith Ron.SkipSingleConstructor
, Ron.DecodeWith Ron.ImplicitSome
] Service
newtype ServicesConfig = ServicesConfig { getServicesConfig :: HashMap ByteString Service}
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Ron.FromRon ServicesConfig where
fromRon = fmap (ServicesConfig . HashMap.fromList . Map.toList) . Ron.fromRon
data Settings = Settings
{ bindAddress :: !String
, bindPort :: !Int
, servicesPath :: !FilePath
, staticPath :: !FilePath
deriving (Eq, Show)
defaultSettings :: Settings
defaultSettings =
{ bindAddress = "*"
, bindPort = 80
, servicesPath = "/etc/dwierz/services.ron"
, staticPath = "/etc/dwierz/static"
parseCommandLine :: [String] -> Settings -> Settings
parseCommandLine = go
go [] !x = x
go ("--bind" : host : rest) !x = go rest $! x{bindAddress = host}
go (('-' : '-' : 'b' : 'i' : 'n' : 'd' : '=' : host) : rest) !x = go rest $! x{bindAddress = host}
go ("--port" : port : rest) !x = go rest $! x{bindPort = read port}
go (('-' : '-' : 'p' : 'o' : 'r' : 't' : '=' : port) : rest) !x = go rest $! x{bindPort = read port}
go ("--services" : services : rest) !x = go rest $! x{servicesPath = services}
go (('-' : '-' : 's' : 'e' : 'r' : 'v' : 'i' : 'c' : 'e' : 's' : '=' : services) : rest) !x = go rest $! x{servicesPath = services}
go ("--static" : static : rest) !x = go rest $! x{staticPath = static}
go (('-' : '-' : 's' : 't' : 'a' : 't' : 'i' : 'c' : '=' : static) : rest) !x = go rest $! x{staticPath = static}
go (_noMatch : rest) !x = go rest x
data App = App
{ servicesConfig :: !ServicesConfig
, httpManager :: !Client.Manager
, portalPage :: !ByteString
, staticRoot :: !FilePath
reverseProxyApp :: App -> Application
reverseProxyApp App{portalPage, staticRoot, httpManager, servicesConfig = ServicesConfig config} incomingRequest respond = do
let mbService = (HashMap.!?) config =<< Wai.requestHeaderHost incomingRequest
case mbService of
Just Service{port} -> proxyTo port httpManager incomingRequest respond
| null $ Wai.pathInfo incomingRequest ->
respond $ Wai.responseLBS (toEnum 200) mempty $ fromStrict portalPage
| otherwise -> serveStatic staticRoot (Wai.pathInfo incomingRequest) respond
proxyTo :: Int -> Client.Manager -> Wai.Request -> (Wai.Response -> IO a) -> IO a
proxyTo targetPort manager incomingRequest respond = do
let streamsRequestBody = case Wai.requestBodyLength incomingRequest of
Wai.KnownLength len -> Client.RequestBodyStream $ fromIntegral len
Wai.ChunkedBody -> Client.RequestBodyStreamChunked
:: ((Client.Popper -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> Client.RequestBody
let requestBody =
streamsRequestBody $ \needsPopper ->
needsPopper $ Wai.getRequestBodyChunk incomingRequest
let request =
{ Client.method = Wai.requestMethod incomingRequest
, Client.secure = False
, Client.host = "localhost"
, Client.port = targetPort
, Client.path = Wai.rawPathInfo incomingRequest
, Client.queryString = Wai.rawQueryString incomingRequest
, Client.requestHeaders =
map (fixHost . fixReferer)
. filter (not . strippedHeader)
$ Wai.requestHeaders incomingRequest
, Client.requestBody = requestBody
, Client.proxy = Nothing
, Client.decompress = const False
, Client.redirectCount = 0
, Client.cookieJar = Nothing
, Client.requestVersion = Wai.httpVersion incomingRequest
Client.withResponse request manager $ \resp -> do
let status = Client.responseStatus resp
let headers = Client.responseHeaders resp
let nextBodyChunk = Client.responseBody resp
respond $ Wai.responseStream status headers $ \sendChunk flush ->
let sendChunk' = sendChunk . Builder.fromByteString
in resendFlushingBody nextBodyChunk sendChunk' flush
strippedHeader (k, v) =
`elem` [ "accept-encoding"
, "content-encoding"
, "content-length"
, "transfer-encoding"
|| k == "connection" && v == "close"
fixHost (k, v)
| k == "host" = (k, "localhost:" <> BS8.pack (show targetPort))
| otherwise = (k, v)
fixReferer (k, v)
| k == "referer" || k == "origin" = (k, changeUriHost (fromIntegral targetPort) v)
| otherwise = (k, v)
changeUriHost :: Word -> ByteString -> ByteString
changeUriHost port bs = case parseUri bs of
Left _e -> bs
Right uri ->
let auth = case Uri.uriAuthority uri of
Left b -> Left b
Right x ->
{ Uri.authHost = localhost
, Uri.authPort = Just port
in renderUri uri{Uri.uriAuthority = auth}
parseUri = Uri.mkURIBs
localhost = case Uri.mkHost "localhost" of
Left e -> error $ "Error parsing localhost constant: " <> show e
Right x -> x
renderUri :: URI -> ByteString
renderUri = Uri.renderBs
resendFlushingBody :: IO ByteString -> (ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
resendFlushingBody getNext sendNext flush = go 0
go !len
| len >= 4096 = flush >> go 0
| otherwise = do
chunk <- getNext
if BS.length chunk == 0
then flush >> pure ()
else sendNext chunk >> go (len + BS.length chunk)
renderService :: (ByteString, Service) -> Portal.ServiceDefinition
renderService (domain, s) = Portal.ServiceDefinition
{ Portal.url = url
, Portal.title = fromMaybe url (encodeUtf8 <$> title s)
, Portal.description = fromMaybe "" (encodeUtf8 <$> description s)
, Portal.icon = encodeUtf8 <$> icon s
url = "http://" <> domain
main :: IO ()
main = do
appSettings@Settings{bindAddress, bindPort, servicesPath, staticPath} <-
flip parseCommandLine defaultSettings <$> getArgs
putStrLn $ "App settings: " <> show appSettings
servicesConfig <- Ron.decodeFile servicesPath
putStrLn $ "Read services: " <> show servicesConfig
let portalServices = map renderService . HashMap.toList . getServicesConfig $ servicesConfig
let portalPage = makePortal portalServices
avahiClient <- Avahi.createClient
myHostname <- Avahi.getHostName avahiClient
forM_ (HashMap.keys . getServicesConfig $ servicesConfig) $ \serviceHost -> do
let host = decodeUtf8 serviceHost
entryGroup <- Avahi.entryGroupNew avahiClient
Avahi.entryGroupAddRecord avahiClient entryGroup host myHostname
Avahi.entryGroupCommit avahiClient entryGroup
putStrLn $ "Created record for " <> show host
httpManager <- Client.newManager Client.defaultManagerSettings
let app = reverseProxyApp App
{ servicesConfig
, httpManager
, portalPage
, staticRoot = staticPath
let warpSettings =
& Warp.setPort bindPort
& Warp.setHost (fromString bindAddress)
Warp.runSettings warpSettings app
Avahi.dropClient avahiClient